Did you feel alone...?or you wanna to be alone....?
Bila keseorangan what do you feel...?
Feel more better...?Feel bored or Feel like you lose everything you had...?
Some people says that I'm giler3...
but some people says u are independent bebeh...
some people says that I'm happy go lucky and can be more than you expected...
but other don't know everything about me...
Bila keseorangan I feel really2 bored when my giler2 tyme have come...
Bila keseorangan I'm feel more better to realize my mistakes....need some time to heals my heart.
Bila keseorangan I'm feel empty because people that I love it not there when I need them...
Bila keseorangan I'm feel "syukurnya pada ALLAH s.w.t" because saya terlepas dari gangguan manusia2 yang hasad dengki and iri hati serta berniat jahat to me...
Bila keseorangan I like to listen music, dance!yupp! but xpandai sgt laa...
Bila keseorangan I like to make up mysefl...just for fun...
Bila keseorangan I like to play games....
Bila Keseorangan I like to calling2 my friends and ask them to go to KAROK...
Bila keseorangan I like to read others blogs...more info that I can get...
Bila keseorangan I like to cuci mata dgn melihat fashion baju and shawls yang cantik2...
Bila keseorangan I like to muhasah myself dgn membaca Al-quran...Feel more comfortable and tenang...
tp saya akui saya dah lama xmembacanya...
After ney saya mesti mengamalkannya supaya I can get my KETENANGAN back...
More cara that you can do when you keseoranagan..
but make sure all that "cara" adalah betul....
Hidup ini hanyalah sementara, so why you must "rosakkan" yourself...?
You have all such beauty face, lovely family and friends, and wonderful life but why you choose wrong way when you're ALONE...?
Please and please come back to your PENCIPTA....hanya dengan mendekatkan diri dgn NYA, kam00 mampu mendapat ketenangan yang abadi...
Think about your future, your family and also love yourself first..
If you can't love yourself thats means you can't love others too!
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