Thursday, March 31, 2011

dUniA akHiR zAmaN

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 9:34 AM 0 comments
hye readers,
yesterday I promise you to tell a story about "JASMINE" right...?
pe yg special nye tntg manusia bernama "JASMINE" ney...?
tiada apa2 pown yg spesial tntg manusia ini...

Jasmine Slalu Hepi
inilah "JASMINE"

Jasmine Slalu Hepi


Jasmine Slalu Hepi

From Alastua, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia

Born on May 28, 1987

kalau readers sume nak tahu, JASMINE telah pown membangkitkan kemarahan orang ISLAM kerana kelancangan mulutnya menghina Nabi Muhammad s.a.w...
seperti yang kita tahu Nabi Muhammad adalah nabi akhir zaman dan merupakan antara sebaik2 kejadian yang diciptakan oleh ALLAH s.w.t..

tetapi JASMINE telah pown menganjing iaitu dengan menyalak menghina Nabi Muhammad s.a.w..
tak tahu laa apa motif JASMINE menghina BAGINDA sedemikian rupa...
mengapa JASMINE tergamak memhina NABI MUHAMMAD s.a.w sedangakn JASMINE ney tidak boleh dibandingkan dengan sifat-sifat yang ada pada NABI MUHAMMAD s.a.w.
apakah JASMINE fikir dia layak untuk menghina NABI MUHAMMAD s.a.w sedangkan dia tidak sempurna...
tahukan si JASMINE ney bahawa tindakan dia boleh mendatangkan kemarahan bagi umat ISLAM..?
tahukah tindakannya itu telah menghina umat ISLAM...?
Mengapakah manusia sebigini perlu wujud...?

tapi secara peribadinya sya rasa JASMINE ney sebenarnya tidak waras@gila...
dia dah xde keje dan sengaja mencapap (MENCARI PUBLISITI MURAHAN) dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan sebegitu...sememangnya sya MARAH dengan kenyataan-kenyataan yang dia keluarkan tapi sebagai UMAT ISLAM sya mendoakan semoga hatinya terbuka untuk bertaubat...kita sebagai manusia tak layak untuk menghukum manusia lain...kita serahkan pada ALLAH s.w.t..Hanya ALLAH yang berhak menghukum manusia yang bernama JASMINE ney...

my advice to you:
  • Please stop segala hinaan kamOO itu..kamOO tidak layak untuk menghina NABI MUHAMMAD s.a.w.
  • I challenge you to prove to us (UMAT ISLAM) that your Al-kitab is true and our AL-QURAN is not true..PROVE IT..jangan dok menganjing jaa...
  • Silalah tampil kan diri anda dikhalayak ramai...anda sebenarnya PENAKOT kerana hanya boleh menganjing di FB sahaja...
  • I hope ALLAH s.w.t will forgive you for all you have done...Jangan ingat ALLAH takkan membalas apa tindakan kam00 itu...sekarang ney ALLAH bayar CASH pe yang kamOO lakukan..REMEMBER THIS...
  • Silalah bertaubat sebelum kam00 ditimpa bencana...Ingatlah ALLAH MAHA BERKUASA...


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 5:26 PM 0 comments
hye readers,
tomorrow i will update a story about one person name "JASMINE"
npe ngn "JASMINE" ney....? 
tunggu laa esok klu nak taw...
sabar ye...(^_^)


hAppy Day

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 4:12 PM 2 comments
hye readers,
Ingat takk sya penah cite tntg kesalah sy...?
alaa,xkn takk hingat k0wt....
ingatkn cepat...
duii,yang tntg masok xamik pass tuh...
dah ingt dah....?

Ari ney sya masok ag kt kwsn tuh...
tp kli ney bhenti amik pass taw...
hahaha...baek kn...?
tp yg plg mengharukan bila cik guard tuh turun sendiri serahkan lesen sya yg c0mell tuh...
terharu takk...?
yelaa lom sempat ag sya turun kete dye dah serahkan lesen...
jimat masa xyah turun kete...

dah xsusahkan cik guard ag...:)

tah2 cik guard tuh de muslihat takk...?
mne taw dye nk kenen kan anak dye ngn dak sya...
hahaha..lempang lelaju gak dak sya ney kang...
just kidding..memain jew...
better bersangka baek kn2...?


Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm sOrry, My bAd

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 10:06 AM 0 comments

Hye readers,

This morning I've learn something and will be practice it....
Pagi tadi I went to one of the university in melaka, then I kena tahan ngn guard...
Then that guard ckp " sy slalu nmpak awk masok cni tp xamik pas...awk kne amik pas taw..."
Then after I settle my matter then I'm going to that guard again and said " cik, saya minta maaf...saya ingatkan xperlu amik pas...pas ney saya akan amik ye..."
Seikhlas hati saya memohon maaf...
Then after that, I'm feel like I'm free...
It's ok if kita minta maaf....xkena bayar pown kan...
Bila ditegur barulah kita sedar bahawa kita telah melakukan kesalahan...
Even tuh kesalahan kecil tapi if kita bersalah perlu laa minta maaf...
I really admitted that I'm not the easier person to forgive others...
but if that my mistake, why not I'm going for apologize and admitted my bad...?
takk salah pown kan...?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

dOn't simply blamE othErs

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Pernah takk kamOO menyalahkan org len bila kamOO buat salah....?
Pernah takk kamOO rasa apa perasaan org yang dipersalahkan tuh...?
Kenapa mesti menyalahkan org lain sekiranya kesalah itu kamOO yang lakukan...?

Please laa, buat kamOO semua my advice "dOn't simply blame Others if that your mistake"...
Hidup ney bagaikan roda....hari ini kamOO di atas tp fikir laa esOk lusa kamOO akan berada di bawah...
Bila kamOO sudah pOwn berada di atas, kamOO perlu bersyukur sbb diberikan peluang...
But please control yourself....Jangan menunjukkan yang kamOO sahaja yang betul...
If you have some "ILMU", please be SHARE with others...
Give your "ILMU" dengan seikhlas hati dan jangan kedekut untuk SHARE...

Tak semestinya kamOO berpangkat besar kamOO boleh senang-senang BLAME org lain...
NOBODY PERFECT, and please REMIND it...
KamOO perlu tahu bahawa orang bawahan kamOO berusaha keras untuk kamOO...
KamOO perlu menghargainya....beri mereka tunjuk ajar....bukan menyalahkan mereka membabi buta...
Kalau bukan kamOO yang beri tunjuk ajar cam mana org bawahan kamOO nak tahu apa patut mereka lakukan...Mereka adalah FRESH GRADUATE and don't have any WORKING EXPERIENCE yet...


LovE yOurself

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 2:22 PM 0 comments

Love Yourself : 

Forgive Yourself

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Believe In Yourself

Express Yourself

Eat Healthy And Exercise

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

50 Ways To Be Happier

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Hye readers, i just found this in here and hopefully this info will help us become more happier than before....HAPPY READING!!:)

Here are 50 simple ways in which you can add to your happiness:

1. Accept that life is not perfect.

2. Don't take yourself too seriously.

3. Don't take others too seriously.

4. Appreciate yourself.

5. Have meaningful goals. They give you purpose.

6. Get a pet.

7. Cultivate friendships. To have friends, be a friend.

8. Be supportive and seek support when needed.

9. Don't confuse materialism with success.

10. Know that money does not buy happiness.

11. Enjoy what you have.

12. Simplify your life.

13. Be more creative.

14. Be yourself.

15. Be more spontaneous.

16. Spend more time with happy people.

17. Keep a happiness journal for writing about the things that give you joy.

18. Find what you love to do and make it your life's work.

19. Be willing to learn and experience new things.

20. Be flexible.

21. Be open-minded.

22. Enjoy simple pleasures.

23. Practice gratitude.

24. Think improvement, not perfection.

25. When things aren't going well; know that it will pass.

26. Know that it's not what happens to you, but how you perceive it that's important.

27. Learn to live in and savor the moment.

29. Get enough sleep.

30. Maintain a healthy diet.

31. Enjoy good conversation.

32. Have a hobby.

33. Take time for fun.

34. Practice moderation.

35. Cultivate an appreciation for the arts.

36. Read inspiring material.

37. Help others.

38. Have faith.

39. As Richard Carlson has said - Don't sweat the small stuff.

40. Smile for no particular reason.

41. Be agreeable.

43. Listen to good music.

44. Watch less TV.

45. Give it your best.

46. Pamper yourself.

47. Practice mindfulness.

48. As Bessie Anderson Stanley wrote in her little verse Success: "Live well, love much and laugh often."

49. Be happy now. Don't make it conditional.

50. Share your happiness with others.


BiLa KeseOrangaN

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 10:56 AM 0 comments

Did you feel alone...?or you wanna to be alone....?
Bila keseorangan what do you feel...?
Feel more better...?Feel bored or Feel like you lose everything you had...?

Some people says that I'm giler3...
but some people says u are independent bebeh...
some people says that I'm happy go lucky and can be more than you expected...
but other don't know everything about me...

Bila keseorangan I feel really2 bored when my giler2 tyme have come...
Bila keseorangan I'm feel more better to realize my mistakes....need some time to heals my heart.
Bila keseorangan I'm feel empty because people that I love it not there when I need them...
Bila keseorangan I'm feel "syukurnya pada ALLAH s.w.t" because saya terlepas dari gangguan manusia2 yang hasad dengki and iri hati serta berniat jahat to me...

Bila keseorangan I like to listen music, dance!yupp! but xpandai sgt laa...
Bila keseorangan I like to make up mysefl...just for fun...
Bila keseorangan I like to play games....
Bila Keseorangan I like to calling2 my friends and ask them to go to KAROK...

Bila keseorangan I like to read others blogs...more info that I can get...
Bila keseorangan I like to cuci mata dgn melihat fashion baju and shawls yang cantik2...

Bila keseorangan I like to muhasah myself dgn membaca Al-quran...Feel more comfortable and tenang...
tp saya akui saya dah lama xmembacanya...
After ney saya mesti mengamalkannya supaya I can get my KETENANGAN back...

More cara that you can do when you keseoranagan..
but make sure all that "cara" adalah betul....
Hidup ini hanyalah sementara, so why you must "rosakkan" yourself...?
You have all such beauty face, lovely family and friends, and wonderful life but why you choose wrong way when you're ALONE...?

Please and please come back to your PENCIPTA....hanya dengan mendekatkan diri dgn NYA, kam00 mampu mendapat ketenangan yang abadi...
Think about your future, your family and also love yourself first..
If you can't love yourself thats means you can't love others too!


Monday, March 21, 2011

bE pOsitivE

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 2:40 PM 0 comments
my new entry kli ney....BE POSITIVE!
several thing in my mind that makes me thinks..

1) Try to forget and forgive others mistakes...

Did you hear "kemaafan merupakan dendam terindah"?why peoples said it...?pernah takk terfikir...?or did you here this "sorry seems to be the harder words"...dissb kn ucapan maaf tuh ssh untuk diucapkan maka to peoples yg ssh memaafkan, mereka akan merasa bahawa kemaafan tuh merupakan dendam yang terindah. that's I always want to be...I'm not the easier person to forgive and forget others mistake...but now I'll try to make it more easier...I'm really inspired Mr.cOCOmot because dia mudah untuk memaafkan kesalahan org...bukan untuk memuji dirinya,tetapi sesiapa yg mengenali dia msti taw cara dia...he always said it to me "sya,let it be..just forget and forgive them.."

2) Always think positive...

Peoples who have positive thinking will always have positive attitude also. That I wanna be...I wanna throw away all my bad attitudes and my bad negative thinking....YOU GO GIRL!GAMBATE!
mesti boleh pnye laa...wat pe laa kte nk fikir negative jaa kan...?buat sakit kepala pown kita kena sentiase positive...and we don't know the power of positive thinking until you feel it...
walau apapun yang berlaku pasti ada hikmah nya kan...?
hanya ALLAH s.w.t sahaja yang mengetahui setiap sbg umatnya kita tidak seharusnya menilai keburukan sesuatu kejadian itu...mesti ada sebab musabab kenapa ALLAH s.w.t turunkan sesuatu itu kan..?

3) Think before you speak, Google before you twit...


Nowadays, peoples always says "google before you twit"...WHY peoples said that..? that's means all your information should be from sumber yang sahih dan benar...S0, when you speak it to others the information that they get will always be valid. Maksudnya KAMOO takk cakap bohong laa...That's doesn't means that I always lies. Tapi sebelum kite bercakap kita kenalah fikir dahulu kesannya to others...maybe your words will hurts others but you do not "perasan"...Bila kita asyik bercakap kita takkan perasan yang kita ney sudah pown melukakan hati and perasaan orang yang kita sayangi... and DON"T LET YOUR TONGUE GET AHEAD OF YOUR MIND...That's can be more DANGEROUS.. At the end of the days, peoples that you love will left you behind..GOOD BYE!
nak ke cam tuh...?pastinya takk kan...?

 So, before you says or do something please reminds this:

**Makanya silalah renung-renungkan...I just wanna to share with you...for the rest, terpulang pada hati masing-masing..and it will be reminds myself also...CHAIYOK2 and BE POSITIVE!

Friday, March 11, 2011

pERrggghhh...Sedap laa Kaw!!!

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 9:12 AM 0 comments
bengong bt0l laa....mungkin k0 taw aq xsuka k0...or mungkin k0 tataw aq xsuka k0....tah laa wey...i try to like you...but can't!
because I hate you s0 pown tataw pe slh k0 kt aq...
tp aq sgt menyampah dgn k0...sgt2 ok...?klu aq pregnant skrg ney cnfirm ank aq kua sebijik muka k0 kn...?
should I give this t0 you...?

or should i give this to you...?

yg kedua tuh mmg takk laa kan...?aq mmg sgt myampah laa dgn k0...seyes ly mmg aq xblh nk dgr nama slh k0 kn....? I always wish that I never meet you...never know you....and wish you disappear from my life!! SILALAH BERAMBUS!!...

s0wi to say aq da cuba suka everytimes I try, I hate you m0re....mmg xb0leh laa...s0wi sgt2 ye...mmg aq marah skrg ney...I try to control it..that's why even I angry with you I'm still using proper words..
xmaw k0 terasa ati laa aq harap k0 faham laa ye....then aq rse k0 mmg taw sbb aq xsuka k0...
aq xpnh iktiraf k0 sbg kenalan,kwn or adk angkat aq xde adk angkt cm k0 laa!!

lastly i wish you PERGI MAMPOS!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"I'm Only Me When I'm With You"

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 4:43 PM 0 comments

Friday night beneath the stars,
in a field behind your yard,
you and I are paintin' pictures in the sky.
And sometimes we don't say a thing;
just listen to the crickets sing.
Everything I need is right here by my side.
And I know everything about you
I don't wanna live without you.

I'm only up when you're not down.
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
It's like no matter what I do.
Well you drive me crazy half the time;
the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
And I'm only me when I'm with you.

Just a small town boy and girl
livin' in a crazy world.
Tryin' to figure out what is and isn't true.
And I don't try to hide my tears.
The secrets or my deepest fears.
Through it all nobody gets me like you do.
And you know everything about me.
You say that you can't live without me.


When I'm with anybody else it's so hard to be myself.
Only you can tell.

That I'm only up when you're not down.
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
It's like no matter what I do.
Well you drive me crazy half the time;
the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
And I'm only me
Who I wanna be
Well, I'm only me when I'm with you
With you
Uh huh

** cocomot this song goes to you....YESS! I'm only me when I'm with you...
     only you know who I'm....and it's hard for others to know me as you were...

syAfArynA in MERSING (part 2) !!

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 10:43 AM 0 comments
ney adl sambung tok cite sblm nye ye...harap maklum...hahaha...lempang lelaju nk...?
kli ney plk kami p MERSING ag kli ney kami p tuk subjek AL...alaa sibuk jaa nk taw...AL tuh Adult Learning lar...Ianye sejenis donut yg disaluti coklat keemasan...hahaha...kowg cri laa sndri AL tuh ag nk mcarut..camping kli ney pown bes gk sbb kami & bdk HR yg len kne btjwb spenuh nye...kira kami & bdk2 HR yg len laa yg anjurkn..kowg bygkn laa betapa penat nye...daa laa tuh dak sya plk jd vice presidents tok camping kli ney...mmg xhingat laa kaw pnye laa pnt...setelah mgharungi beberapa obstacles kami pown berangkat ke sana...kli ney lak khemah kami da pilih awl2 sbb nye dak sya yg dptkn khemah SYAFARYNA dpt laa hak exculusive...kami pilih dlu...hahaha...

Lokasi : Tanjung Resang
Tempat tinggal : Khemah bsr pnye!
Subjek : Adult Learning

Camping kli ney fatanah & sharyna lak excited p cut their hair.. mse camping sblm ney dak sya ney da bbuih nasihat kn drg suh cut their drg degil...last2 kli ney nye camping drg korban kn rambut drg...alasan...?sng klu p camping rambut pendek...hahaha...tuh laa aq ckp kowg xmaw besa REDKEN laa pilihan kami...brg2 xya bli ag sbb camping sblm ney daa de spare...cme kami p borong mknn...mmg xhingat laa kaw...mmg MELETOP!

Hari kami nk p tuh, Encik Cocomot sy yg anta smpai fakulti...owg len de gk yg jalan dak sya mls..dye nk gak Encik COCOMOT anta...xkira2...nk gak nak gak....hahaha..yelaa kn nk bpisah 3 ari msti laa windu t...hahaha...lempang lelaju dak sya ney kang...hehehe...waktu tuh de gak laa mata memandang..mne xnye drg kn kne jalan KAMI leh mnembam dlm aq peduli...bia laa pkwe kte nk anta...hehehe..

Kami pown btolak ke sana setelah sume urusan selesai...smpai jaa kami pown d beri taklimat & diberi khemah..pergghh, xhingat laa kaw dirikan khemah...kami laa plg cepat dirikan n tlg kwn2 len yg xleh pndai kt TG. RESANG ney agk panas laa sbb xde pokok2 pown tmpt dye bru ag... Facilities mmg xhingat kaw MELETOP..bru ag...owg kata tmpt ney masih DARA sgt enjoy...

Kami p TG.RESANG ney bkn suka2 de misi yg kami kne complete kn...nk taw pe dye...? presentation for our lecturer kami yg wt kat lua jd kami pilih camping sbg aktiviti kami...yg ag btambahkan syok nye SYAFARYNA nye presentation adl pd waktu ag mmg xhingat laa kami join sume aktiviti yg disediakan oleh AJK.. sape3 yg xde presentation kne join aktiviti...SYAFARYNA mmg suka aktiviti....sume games laa kami join...xmng xpe jnji puas ati...hahaha...mndi tepung mmg xhingat laa...pas jaa men games, nk taw kami wt pe...?kami terjun laut...mmg SUPERB laa laut aq da ckp SYAFARYNA mmg suka laut...kami xheran p0wn owg nk ckp pe...lantak laa....daa laa pnt laa aq nk mcarut...let's look at our you go...

alalala comell nye men pasir ye...meh cubit nk...?

tepong gomak sudah mariii

tgk laa gambar  4 ke bawah ney...kami laa ratu rimba...hahaha...sume xsangka kami memanjat pokok...pergghh best laa..tuh sume kenangan taw..kaw pe taw...smpai kn lecturer kami ckp "kowg ney klu pncarian gadis melayu dtg, awl3 ag kowg da kne reject " hahaha...mne xnye...anak gadis memanjat pokok...Keseronokkan dan kegembiraan SYAFARYNA bkn stakat ney jaa taw...byk ag..t dak sya post kn laa....mmg gembira n seronok laa dapat kenal, kawan , jd BFF kowg....mmg xhingat laa kenangan mmg syg kowg ketat ketat....bia laa pe owg nk gelarkn kte yg pnting kte tetap bsama...

p/s: jgn lupe cite kt ank cucu kowg ye....hahaha....


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