Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm bAck agAIn

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 11:17 PM 0 comments
hye readers....

lama dah takk update bl0g kan...
I'm fine at JB...
cuma lately a lot of pr0blem occur...
hmmm settle laa cecepat...

f0r your info...
next week i'll be back to malacca...
stg happt taw takk....?


Friday, May 6, 2011

eNtaH KenApA

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 12:48 PM 0 comments
hye readers...
lama sudah takk mengupdate blog kan...??
hurmm, not much interesting story laa...
btw, nak share ney sya dah pown dpt kije as management trainees at AEON (M) BHD...
happy sgt2...akhirnye dah takk jadi penganggur terhormat laa kat umah...
tapi perasaan ney bcmpur sedey plk because I've to leave my family at melaka..
I'll be placed at tebrau city, JB...

hal umah sewa sudah di settle kan, now tibe masa utk packing brg...
but not to lapor diri dlu..
kena laa p induksi di kajang...after tuh dua hari diberi cuti...leh laa manja2 ngn family dlu...
pas tuh dah kne pisah blk sbb 15hb kne lapor diri di tebrau...

takk maw p leh takk...?
but life must go on...
no matter how hard your life is, you have to face it and pray to your GOD...
GOD know what best for you dear...
the most important thing is don't forget HIM, your family and friends who always be there for you...


Friday, April 22, 2011

Yeayy AkHirnyA

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 12:19 PM 0 comments
hye readers,
rindu takk kat sya...?
lama dah kan takk update blog...
lately so many thing happend...
so I have no time to update my blog...
meh sini duk rapat-rapat sbb sya de cecite baru nak cecite kat kowg....

cecite pertama:
Last tuesday I'm read one blog...
on that blog she says that "perempuan yg PMS hanyalah mengada-ngada"
I'm not agree with her statement but that was her personal opinion right...?
every month she didn't get PMS,so that why she said like that...

and for your information guys, PMS its not mengada-ngada...that a sign that show you are normal person..
for those that not having PMS, please check with your doctor...
that what I read in newspaper and it was saying by an expert doctor in this field...
so, for all girls out there not too worry if you get PMS...

but to girls who do not get PMS or kena PMS yg sgt sakit, please check with your doctor...
As a ladies, you should know about your body changes...

cecite kedua:

this week I've THREE inteview to go in different places...
ONE in Malacca and TWO in KL...
hopefully I got a job and I have no problems to stay at KL...
cuma jauh dr family jew laa...
sgt MERINDUI mereka kelak...
pray for me ya readers!

cecite ketiga:

yesterday i was going to KL with my lovely mom..
she was so excited in lrt...
last time she go there when her children's was young..
and now we're growing so fast readers..dah besar dah...
in this weekend we gonna go there again for shopping...
yeay, I LIKE it...


Thursday, April 14, 2011

j!wa kAcau

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 5:39 PM 0 comments
hye readers sekalian...
actually i wanna share something with you all...
there are something yg mungkin sume dah taw...
ataupun tataw...
cecite cecite..

sejukk mata memandang

cecite pertama:
did you here this "bdk skola agama ko ingat baek sgt kew"
penah dgr takk...I don't want to condemn them but a lot of my friends always said that...
de plk yg ckp pas bes skola agama sume yg labuh-labuh dah jadi singkat...
mana tah p pelajaran agama yang dorg belajar masa kat sekolah dlu...
pelik kan...?

mengapa perlu ubah imej jadi macam ney...?

tapi kawan sya ckp takk pelik pown...tuhh namanye dorg tuh culture shock..
dalam erti lainnye kejutan budaya...yelaa mase kt skola agama dulu dorg wajib pkai bju and tudung bla dah kua dari skola tuh dorg mulalah berubah...
tapi amat kesian kann...?
myb parents tyme tuh dah sejuk mata memandang, alih-alih bla anaknya mula melangkah ke ipta dah terdedah sana sini...hancur harapan parents mereka...myb bla dah besar dah boleh jaga diri dah takk perlukan nasihat mak ayah...dah boleh fikir sendiri kowt..tapi cayalah korg tetap perlukan mak ayah...

but takk semua yang cam tuh...hanya sesetengah jew yg buat cam tuh...
hanya kerana sesetengah budak skola agam yang buat perangai takk semenggah ney laa telah mencemar nama semua budak skola agama...calarkan imej dan reputasi budak skola agama yang takk buat tuh...klu korg takk maw skola agama dulu, korg takk yah laa gedix nak masok kann...?
sya amat respect laa dekat budak-budak skola agama yang masih mengamalkan apa yang korg belajar..semoga kam00 semua terus kekal dengan imej kam00 semua...:)

cecite kedua:
did you all feel that you have to make a decision for your life alone...?
no need help from others..but frankly speaking you still need them actually...
but kam00 takk mahu menyusahkan mereka...let you settle it by yourself..
sometimes we always feel that our decision is 100% true and we didn't want to here any opinion from others..
but sometimes we need someone help us out from our problems...
sy cume nak nyatakan dekat sini...if you have problems feel free to share with trusted people such as BFF or will make you feel more secure and can release you unstable mind...
ade juga keputusan yang we have to make it alone but please remind that ALLAH always be by your side and you're not alone...always remember to do SOLAT ISTHIKHARAH..than you will find the solution of your problems...
akhir sekali JANGAN PERNAH MENYESAL dgn keputusan yang telah kam00 ambil...setelah semua usaha telah kam00 lakukan dan berserah pada takdirNYA...INSYAALLAH de jalannya...

cecite ketiga:
I'm done...

hAppy t!me

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 12:04 PM 0 comments
hye readers sekalian...
apakah entrinye...?
alaa korg ney takkan tuh pown nak gtau...tgk tajuk laa...

actually i just receive lovely handbag this morning...
ehem2 that y ri tuh sya nye entri tntg handbag...
I LOVE IT...hehehehe...

tetibe jew after receive that lovely handbag, I'm feel so excited to wearing it...
kononnye maw tayang laa...
sape takk maw tayang handbag bru kan...?
even I don't have any job now, but I bought it from my last salary...


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jasmine Slalu Hepi

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 9:37 PM 0 comments
hye readers,
ingat takk sya penah ceceite tntg seorang perempuan nama dia JASMINE..?
takk ingat...readers syg p tgk kt entri lepas...
dah ingat dah...?
good2...syg readers ketat-ketat laa...

srkg ney kan readers, JASMINE ney dah dapat hidayah...
dye dah takk lagi menghina NABI MUHAMMAD s.a.w..
berkat doa semua umat islam dye sudah bertaubat...
bagus laa cam tuh JASMINE...
pas ney jangan laa buat lagi taww...

ALHAMDULILLAH, sya pown turut mendoakan untuk JASMINE supaya dye sedar...
Akhirnya ALLAH s.w.t memakbulkan doa sya...
JASMINE pown telah memohon maaf secara terbuka dalam account fb dye...

ISLAM itu indah...ISLAM takk penah mngajar umatnya berbuat jahat...
sume itu manusia yang lakukan tapi bukan ISLAM...
semoga hati JASMINE terus diberi hidayah dan petunjuk...
Sya minta maaf juga dekat JASMINE if my words in my blog menguris hati kamoo...
readers sekalian pown maafkan laa dye...


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

dUgaaN buAt sAyA

lukisan mata hati by delleesya at 3:06 PM 0 comments

hye hye readers...
actually i don't have any stories to update...
but have something to share with you all..

Officially, now I'm not working anymore...
My boss wanna to close his company..
so i have to find other job with my qualification..
It's hard actually to find a job that suit with your qualification..
but I have to try by my own...
xmaw harapkan bantuan dari sedara mara...

That doesn't mean I didn't need their help..
but for this moments I have to "berdikari sendiri"
the important things is you should try it first..
Jangan mengharapkan bantuan orang lain...
and the rest just pray to you GOD..
only HIM know what best for you...



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